This work that you see called Sars Cov 2 disease hypothesis and its relationship with the pathology of cell channels and its probable causes, was presented for the first time in the city of Cordoba. Dr Enrique Luis Farracani Ristenpart, a cardiovascular surgeon, angiologist and specialized in laser emission for more than 20 years, confirms the findings of La Quinta Columna.
Part 1: Dr Enrique Luis Farracani Ristenpart confirms
the findings of La Quinta Columna
Part 2: Dr Enrique Luis Farracani Ristenpart confirms
the findings of La Quinta Columna
Investigative hypothesis on the biological effects of non-ionizing radiation and its similarity with the symptoms of the COVID pandemic.
Dr. Enrique Luis Ferracani Ristenpart, graduated from the School of Medicine at the UBA with honors in 1974. Specialist in General Surgery and awarded by the Argentine Association of Surgery. Specialist in Cardiovascular Surgery and awarded by the Argentine School of Cardiovascular Surgeons. Expert in Laser Medicine and Laser Rescue, Ministry of Health of the Nation at the Dr. Pedro Mallo Naval Hospital.
Former Head of the Department of the Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery, Former Head of the Cardiovascular Department of the Naval Hospital Dr. Pedro Mallo, Fellowship in Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospital of Santander Marques de Valdecillas and the Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio USA.
Full member of the Argentine Association of Medicine, of the Argentine Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Member of the Argentine Society of Cardiology, of the Argentine Association of Cardiology, of the Argentine Association of Surgery.
Founder of the Latin American Association of Medicine, member of the Argentine School of Cardiovascular Surgery, Secretary of the Council of Cardiac Surgeons and Professor of the graduate school of the Argentine Association of Medicine AMA.
Researcher in the medical field, pharmaceutical industry and carried out research studies abroad.
Patent: one of his research on methods and forms in valve repair (Owner of US patent 8985121B2-March 24, 2015. Method of Device and Valve Repair.)
Awards: Awarded for the best paper at the 4th Interhospital Conference in Buenos Aires. First prize for Internal Laser Valvuloplasty and Saphenous Remodeling by LASER Endovascular 1470. Awarded at the international congress organized by the Argentine Society of Phlebology.
Endoluminal Laser in Phlebology and Color Doppler, PROACI Laser in Endovascular Surgery - Argentine Association of Surgery and one of them in co-authorship, made publications in foreign journals, videos, power points on the subject of his specialty.
Currently: Director of the Laser and Venous Ultrasound Institute and International Researcher in Endothelium and Collaborator of the Inter-American Commission of radiological protection from electromagnetic fields and non-ionizing radiation. CIPRACEM.